캠브리지 잉글리시 Business Benchmark 초급 1_08강 기업문화(2)
토픽: company culture 기업문화2
- 기업 문화를 묘사할 때 사용된 어휘를 익혀 활용할 수 있다.(Describing changes)
- 회의 소집을 위한 이메일을 작성할 수 있다.(An all staff email)
# 듣기(Listening)
@ keywords
* telephone conversation
* company culture
* in which
@ summary
* This is a telephone conversation in which one person is asking another about the company culture at his place of work.
@ 세부사항
* The company culture of National bank is supportive and friendly now. (false)
-> I think it changed the culture rather a lot.
When I started there, it was quite friendly and supportive and they really looked after their customers too.
Now they're much more focused on targets
cf> rather a lot 상당히 많이, be focused on : ~에 초점이 맞춰지다, don't quote me on this : 내가 말했다고 하지마(나한테 들었다고 하지마)
* The staff benefits are very good at National bank (true)
-> You get a lot of benefits that you don't find in many other companies.
They offer a good insurance package, and quite long holidays.
They're very generous with bonuses too.
cf> package = benefit
* target driven = focused on targets
* salary / benefits package (급여/ 복리후생제도)
The package that they're offering seems very good though.
@ Wrap up
* How to describe your company culture
- possibilities for promotion
- benefits package
- holiday
* Useful Expressions
- friendly and supportive 우호적이고 지원을 아끼지 않는
- generous with bonuses 보너스에 후한
# 쓰기(writing) (An all staff email : 회의 소집을 위한 이메일을 작성할 수 있다.)
* The management are planning to make some changes
* Could we have a meeting
* I think we need to make our feelings clear
* I think we need to let them know our opinions.
@ task : (업무시간 변경 관련 회의를 소집하는 메일 쓰기)
You are the staff representative in a company.
The management are proposing some changes to your working hours.
You decide to call a meeting with staff to discuss the changes with them.
Plan an email to all staff :
- saying what the changes to the working hours will involve (어떤 변화가 생길지 알려주기)
- giving the time and day of the meeting (미팅 날짜/시간 알려주기)
- explaining why the meeting is important(회의가 왜 중요한지 알려주기)
=> The management are planning to make some changes to our working hours.
I would like to set up a meeting to discuss this on Tuesday at 12.30.
I think we need to make our feelings about this clear as soon as possible
@ tips for writing
1. 완곡하게 말하라
- I think we need to ~
2. 능동태 active voice를 사용하라(나의 생각을 전달 때 능동태 사용)
@ wrap up
* Collocation : meeting하고 사용되는 것
- meeting about / on ~에 관련된 미팅
- meeting of ~ ~에 관련된 미팅
- call a meeting 미팅을 소집하다
- arrange a meeting
* 완곡한 어투 사용하기
- I think we need to make our fellings about this clear.
- I think we need to let them know our opinions.
# 말하기(speaking)
* I'll need to think about whether I really want to apply now.
제가 지금 정말로 지원하고 싶은지 생각해봐야겠어요.
# 쓰기(writing)
* 경영진이 근무 시간을 변경하고자 합니다.
The management are planning to make some changes to our working hours
'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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