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캠브리지 잉글리시 Business Benchmark 초급 1_11강 절차와 과정(1)

캠브리지 잉글리시 Business Benchmark 초급 1_11강 절차와 과정(1)

주제: 절차와 과정

#토픽:절차와 과정(1)


- 수동태(the passive)의 쓰임을 익혀 상품을 묘사할 수 있다
- 수동태를 이용해 제품 생산과정을 묘사할 수 있다.


* The passive
 - 주어가 동작의 대상이 되는 문장 형태
   When you use the passive, what or who does the action is usually not very important.
 - be + p.p(past participle 과거분사) + (by) ~
  ex> Karhu skis are still produced by the original company
- process를 묘사할 때 사용 (procedure를 묘사할 땐 active voice 사용)
 ex> How coffee is grown.


* 수동태 예제

- The skis are built by many different technicians.

- Each one is tested in the factory.

- Over 200,000 pairs of Karhu skis are sold in Finland each year.

- They are exported to a number of other countries.

- They are bought by many champion skiers.

- Freshness is considered very important
 -> Freshness 신선함, is considered -여겨진다

- Nowadays natural oils and resins are extracted with cold fat which was spread on the petals
 -> resins 수지,  are extracted 추출되다

- it is extracted from the concrete with alcohol.
 -> concrete 고체


* extraction solvents 추출 용매


* evaporate 증발 시키다


* are left with ~와 남겨졌다


* the world's best-selling 세계에서 가장 잘 팔리는


* firstly, then, the next stage is, next, eventually 과정 묘사 시 사용(Signal words)


* They are transported to the production plant to be weighted
 - plant 공장


* Freshness is considered very important
 신선도를 중요하게 여깁니다.


* 앱솔루트라고 하는 아주 순수한 형태의 꽃 향수가 남게 됩니다.
 We are left with a very pure form of flower perfume which we call the absolute


* Roses on our farm are in season from April to Jun and the jasmine from August to September
 우리 농장에서 장미는 4월부터 6월까지 재스민은 8월부터 9월까지 활짝 핍니다.
  in season 제철