캠브리지 잉글리시 Business Benchmark 초급 1_13강 유통 및 배송(1) / 조동사
#토픽 : 유통 및 배송 / 조동사
@ 목표
Modal verbs of obligation(조동사)
의무를 나타내는 조동사의 쓰임을 익혀 조언이나 사무실 내 필요한 표지판 문구 등을 쓸 수 있다.
@ Grammar 문법
Modal verbs of obligation(조동사)
1. an action is necessary(an obligation) -> have to /must
2. an action is a good idea(advice) -> should
3. an action is not a good idea(advice not to do something) -> shouldn't
4. an action is possible -> can
5. an action is not possible(because it is against the rules or for another reason) -> can't
6. an action is not necessary(there is no obligation) -> don't have to
@ Exercises 연습
1.Another advantage of using a van instead of a motorbike is that you don't have to wear protective clothing in bad weather.
오토바이 대신에 벤을 사용하는 것의 다른 장점은 날씨가 좋지 않을 때 너는 보호복을 입지 않아도 된다.
2.Any vehicle will do, but if possible you should try to get one that looks good, because this will create a better impression.
아무 차나 괜찮지만, 예쁜 차를 사는 게 좋겠어 왜냐하면 너를 좋게 보이기 위해서
3. Of course, as in all other businesses, you must pay tax on your earnings.
당연히 다른 모든 사업과 동일하게, 니가 버는 돈에 대한 세금을 지불해야해
4. It goes without saying that you mustn't employ anyone as a driver without checking they have a valid license.
두 말할 것 없이 너는 유효한 라이센스를 가지고 있는지 확인하지 않은 어떤 사람도 쓰면 안된다.
5. When you start making a profit, you can think about investing in some new vehicles.
네가 수익이 생기면, 너는 새로운 자동차에 투자를 생각할 수 있어.
@ 목표
selling overseas 해회 진출을 위해 고려해야 할 사항들을 묘사할 수 있다.
@ summary 요약
This is about what is necessary to sell products abroad such as distributors and target market.
@ Details 상세
1. A best-selling product at a local market sells well overseas.
- carry out 수행하다, reserch into ~에 대해서 조사하다
- You shouldn't assume that a product which sells well at home will sell well overseas.
- cannot afford 여유가 없다
2. It is best to start selling products over the Internet.
- over the Internet 인터넷을 통해서
- You may be able to face to face at trade fairs
- but in general, it is a good idea to look for a partner who understands the local market
- distributor 유통업자
3. Because it's quite complicated to send goods overseas, it is advisable to hire an expert to get some help with transportation documents.
- quite 매우, complicated 복잡한
- customs procedures 세관 절차, look after, paperwork 서류
- you should consider using a freight forwarding specialist
- freight forwarding specialist = expert
* A is not just something for B : A가 단지 B에 국한된 것은 아니다.
ex> Selling your product overseas is not just something for big corporate.
* at (the) least < at the very least -> very 강조
* assume 증거(근거) 없이 가정하는 것 vs. suppose 어떤 근거를 토대로 생각하고 믿는 것
ex> You shouldn't assume that all the products sell well.
I suppose they can't afford the prices.
* You may have to ~ 해야 할 수도 있다. vs. You will have to ~ 해야 할 것이다.
ex> You may have to change the product in some way
You will have to get trademark protection in the country where you want to sell.
* selling overseas 해외판매
* key decision to be made 중요한 결정을 해야한다
@ speaking 말하기
It goes without saying that you mustn't employ anyone as a driver without checking they have a valid license
유요한 운전 면허증이 있는지 확인하지 않고 운전기사를 고용하면 안 된다는 건 말할 필요도 없습니다.
@ writing 쓰기
인코텀즈를 이용한 운송과 보험을 담당할 사람이 명시된 서면 계약서가 있어야 한다.
You need to have a written contract which says who is responsible for transport and insurance using
'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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