캠브리지 잉글리시 Business Benchmark 초급 1_19강 교통수단(1) 비행기, 항공편 이용
#토픽 : 교통수단_비행기, 항공편 이용관련 비즈니스 영어
@ 비행기 여행 관련 복합 명사
- boarding card/ pass 탑승권
- check-in desk 탑승 수속대
- departure lounge 출국장
- duty free shop 면세점
- hold luggage 위탁 수화물
- hand luggage 기내 수화물
- information desk 안내데티스
- passport control 출입국 관리소
ex> The last time I came to this airport, I lost my passport. I was nice and early, so there were no queues at the check-in desk.
I checked in my hold luggage, got my boarding card/pass and went through passport control
Then, just because I had so much time, instead of just sitting in the departure lounge, I decided to do some shopping.
I wanted to get a present, so I was trying all the different perfumes in the duty free shop.
I don't know how it happened but I must have dropped my passport there. I went to the gate to board the plane and then I realized that I couldn't find my passport.
At that moment, they called me over the loudspeaker.
Will passenger Martinez travelling to Madrid please contact information desk.
I felt so embarrassed.
@ 기내에 관련된 복합 명사
- aisle seat 복도 자리
- window seat 창가 자리
- seat belt 안전벨트
- flight attenant 승무원
- overhead locker(overhead compartment) 머리 위 짐보관함
- emergency exit 비상구
* There are no queues. 기다리는 사람이 없다.
* call over 부르다.
* board a plane 비행기에 탑승하다.
# 목표
Notices and short messages and travel arrangements
여행과 관련해 자주 볼 수 있는 공지문에 나온 표현을 익혀 활용
# 요약
travel arrangements 여행 계획
These are five messages/notices about problems, delays, changes in travel arrangements.
# 세부사항
1. In the second message, staff should take a cheaper flight than the American Airlines one.
두번 째 메세지에서 직원들은 American Airlines 보다 저렴한 비행기를 타야한다
2. According to the third message, your journey on this line may take longer than usual
세번 째 메세지에 따르면 이 노선의 너의 여행은 평소 보다 더 오래 걸릴 것이다
3. According to the message 4, you must call the meet and greet service to let them know how many people are coming
cf> meet and greet service 영접 서비스
* be delayed 연착되다.
ex> how long the flight will be delayed?
* originally planned 원래 계획대로
* due to ~(because of) ~때문에
ex> Delays expected due to signaling problems(신호 문제)
* in writing 서면으로 vs. verbally 구두로
ex> Please confirm names and flight numbers in writing by tomorrow.
* night flight(red-eye) 야간 항공편
ex> Please book the night flight(red-eye) to reduce costs.
# 말하기
I don't know how it happened but I must have dropped my passport there
어떻게 된 건지 모르겠지만 나는 거기서 여권을 떨어뜨린 것이 분명하다.
# 쓰기
일요일 저녁에 당신을 만나고 싶지만, 비행기가 연착될 경우 월요일 회의 전에 전화 드릴게요.
Hope to meet up with you on Sun evening, but if our flight is delayed, will call you before the meeting on Mon.
'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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